Satisfactory Performance & Clinical Placement Progress

1.Satisfactory Performance

UOTeach student academic and field experience standards are regulated by the Oregon Teaching Standards & Practices Commission (TSPC) and the UO Graduate School. To maintain enrollment within the UOTeach program you must a.) successfully and sequentially complete all academic course work, b.) successfully and sequentially complete all clinical placement field work, c.) exemplify professional disposition standards, and d.) meet all TSPC required assessment benchmarks. Each of these areas is formally assessed at the end of each term. Below are basic guidelines to guide you.

A. Academic Course Progress:

All of the courses in the UOTeach Program of Study are required for the Oregon teacher licensure program. Students are required to complete all coursework or equivalent with program-approved transfers or waivers. As a UO graduate student you are required to maintain a GPA of 3.00 or higher throughout the program.  In addition, within the program you must maintain a 3.0 or greater in your endorsement area methods courses.

B. Clinical (Field) Placement Progress:

Students are expected to follow field experience guidelines, collaborate and communicate with their cooperating teacher, and perform appropriately. Each clinical placement term is assigned a course number, a supervisor, a cooperating teacher, a specific number of field hours, and a series of field assignments that must be successfully completed (See assessments).

C. Professional Disposition for Teaching & Code of Conduct:

As part of the University community, you are expected to follow the rules and values of the community. These community standards are necessary to maintain and protect a safe and supportive learning environment. The values of the UO include honesty, responsibility, community, multicultural competence, and accountability. We affirm our commitment professional demeanor to:

  • Respect the dignity and essential worth of all individuals.
  • Promote a culture of respect throughout the university community.
  • Respect the privacy, property and freedoms of others.
  • Reject bigotry, discrimination, violence, or intimidation of any kind.
  • Practice personal and academic integrity and expect it from others.
  • Promote the diversity of opinions, ideas and backgrounds that are the lifeblood of the university.

Teacher candidates must show behavior that is in line with the a.) University of Oregon Student Conduct and b.) UOTeach Code of Professional Conduct, c.) TSPC Competent and Ethical Performance (OAR 571-021-0100).

D. Meet State Required Assessment Benchmarks

a. Passing ORELA scores & deadlines:

  • Elementary: Elementary Subtests I & II, Civil Rights, and ESOL
  • Mid-High: subject area endorsement tests, Civil Rights, ESOL

b. Passing scores on all clinical assessments

c. edtpa

2. Unsatisfactory Progress: Remediation Plan of Assistance

Unsatisfactory progress and remediation plans below will address concerns related to a.) unsuccessful or incomplete academic course work, b.) unsuccessful or incomplete clinical placement field work, c.) concerns related to conduct or professional disposition standards, and d.) unmet TSPC required assessment benchmarks.

A. Academic Course Unsatisfactory Progress:

Unsatisfactory Grades: If an endorsement area method’s course GPA falls below 3.0 the course must be retaken.

If an overall GPA is below 3.0, the Graduate School will contact student by email, cc’ing the director and graduate coordinator. In such a case, the student is required to work with their department to create a formal Low GPA/ Remediation Plan (this plan is sent to the student and Graduate School).

The accumulation of more than 5 credits of N or F grades, regardless of the GPA, is considered unsatisfactory.

Incomplete Course Concern:

Students with incomplete course grades at the start of a term are not allowed to advance in the course series or in the field placement until the term following the course completion.

B. Clinical (Field) Placement Unsatisfactory Progress:

Each clinical placement term is assigned a course number, a supervisor, a cooperating teacher, a specific number of field hours, and a series of field assignments that must be successfully completed. Unsatisfactory progress in assessed performance or professional standards will be addressed during the mid-term review of field placement and again at the end of the term.  Students who do not perform successfully do not pass the EDST 609 field experience.  Students in this situation will work closely with the practicum placement coordinator or program director to modify their plan of study.

C. Unsatisfactory Conduct and or Unsatisfactory TSPC Professional Disposition Standards:

If a student does not meet TSPC ethical standards during field placement the Program Director is responsible to address the situation, advise the student, and maintain compliance with UO and TSPC regulations for licensure. Some breeches of ethical standards are grounds for dismissal.   Some breeches of the state standards can result in discipline and probationary status.

The Program Code of Professional Conduct is based on the Oregon TSPC Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance of Oregon Educators (Oregon Administrative Rules 584-020-005 through 584-020-0045) See this full Code of Professional Conduct in the appendix of this handbook. The UO Student Conduct Code OAR 571-021-0100 to 0250 establishes community standards and proper procedures. See full code here:

D. Unsuccessful at Required Assessment Benchmarks

Along with successfully passing the clinical assessments, a student must meet the state benchmark on state assessments.  The UO College of Education will not forward a recommendation for licensure to TSPC until the candidate attains passing scores on each state assessment.

3. Remediation Plan of Assistance:

Where possible, remediation and support are offered.  When a candidate has unsatisfactory academic or clinical performance, the grading instructor or supervisor, in collaboration with the Program Director, will review areas of concerns with the candidate design a remediation Plan of Assistance. The plan will include:

  1. A description of the issues of concern
  2. A description of prior efforts to address each issue
  3. A performance standard and student plan for meeting the standard
  4. The program criteria for determining whether the issues have been remedied
  5. A timeline for remedy of the issues

4. Program Exit and Program Dismissal from UOTeach Program:

There are two options for an incomplete departure from UOTeach, a.) a candidate may withdraw from the licensure program and apply to transfer to a master’s degree without licensure, and b.) the program may dismiss a candidate from the licensure program.

All COE and University procedures regarding student grievance rights apply throughout the dismissal procedures described here.

5. Other Related Grad School Policies 

See policy on incompletes, waivers, and leave

6. UOTeach Program Re-Admission Policy

From time to time there may be reasons that a student leaves the UOTeach program before finishing. This generally happens in one of four ways. 1) a student applies for and is granted a leave of absence; 2) a student leaves without a leave of absence or remains unenrolled past the specified term of a leave of absence; 3) a student is exited from the program for failure to make adequate academic progress, or 4) a student is exited for violating the university student code of conduct. Follow above link for policy details.