Mid-High Study Plan

The foundational, methods, and field experience courses in the UOTeach study plan have been approved by the State, University Graduate School and the College of Education. Courses are sequential, meaning that students are required to successfully complete courses prior to progressing to the next term of field experience.

  1. Full-Time Study Plan in UOTeach is between 15 and 16 credits per term. For economic reasons, most students complete program requirements in four-terms.
  2. Part-Time / Extended Study Plan in UOTeach generally divides the program into two years with the methods courses in the first year and field experience in the second year.

Note: Financial Aid considers full-time enrollment to be 9+ credits/term, ¾ time is 7-8 credits/term, halftime is 5 -6 credits/term

The UOTeach Mid-High students Study Plan is dependent on subject matter specialization. Most UOTeach students complete the program in one-year however the program can be broken up into 2 years.

2021-22 Mid-High Study Plan

 I. Summer Term Courses (15 credits, 8-wks + 4 wks)

Focus on cohort building, educational psychology, curriculum development theory, and serving diverse learning communities. Courses offered during the day Monday through Friday

1. EDST 612 Foundations of Teaching & Learning (3cr)
2. SPED 511 Foundations of Disability (3cr)*
3. EDST 616 Language, Power, and Education (4cr)
4. EDST 630 Curriculum Studies & Profession of Teaching (4cr)

Last Summer Session: Back to School Start of Field Placement (4-weeks)
Field observations: Begins when teachers go on contract and Includes 15 hours a week of classroom observation, with an evening course.

5. EDST 627 Mgmt: Intro/ Supp Learning Communities (1cr)

II. Fall Term Courses (16 credits, 11-weeks)

Includes 10 hours a week of active classroom observation, with a two 4-hour evening and two 4-hour Friday courses

1. EDST638 Methods ESOL: Eng Lang Learn Pedagogy (4)

2. EDST 614 Cultural Context of Education (4)*
or EDST 617 Sapsik’wala Indigenous Education Seminar [1] (total of 4 credits across 3 terms)

3. Subject Matter Methods Concepts (4r):
* EDST 621 Math Concepts
* EDST 623 Science Concepts
* EDST 631 Literature to Youth
* LT 536 Sec-Lang Teach Plan
* EDST 635 Social Science Concepts

4. EDST method endorsement area elective or SPED, EDUC (4)**

III. Winter Term Courses (15 credits, 11-weeks)

Includes 20 hours a week of student teaching, with a two 4-hour evening and two 1 to 3 hour evening courses

1. EDST628 Mgmt: Creat Supp Clsrm Communities (3)
2. Subject Matter Methods (4):
* EDST 618: English Language Development, K–12
* EDST 622 Math Problem-Solving
* EDST 624 Scientific Problem-Solving
* EDST 632 ELA Engaging Students in Writing
* EDST 634 2nd Language Conversation & Composition
* EDST 636 Social Science Inquiry and Analysis

3. EDST method endorsement area elective or SPED, EDUC (4)*/**
4. EDST 686: Secondary Parttime Student Teaching (4)

VI. Spring Term Courses (16 credits, 11-weeks)***

Includes fulltime student teaching, with a two-hour seminar, and a bi-weekly 4-hour Friday courses

1. EDST 687: Secondary Teaching Performance Assessment (2)
2. EDST 688: Secondary Fulltime Student Teaching (10)
3. EDST 647: ELL Instructional Methods II: Applied (4)

*  These courses are automatically waived for EDST Secondary Certificate graduates who took SPED 411, EDST 420, and LT 629 or an EDST Equal Opportunity in Education pathway courses. Students with similar prior coursework must submit a COE course waiver petition (form) to get a course waived. Of those, non-degree master’s level work can be transferred using the Grad School (credit transfer form)

**Electives: Students seeking to add-in program or post-licensure endorsement areas should take the appropriate methods course at this time. Students not looking to pursue an additional endorsement may select a 500/600 master-level course from EDST, EDLD, EDUC, SPED and/or a related content area course from other departments.

**   Apply in GradWeb (http://gradweb.uoregon.edu/) for UO Grad Degree by second Friday of graduating term.

[1] Candidates in the Sapsik’ʷałá Indigenous Learning Community (SILC) participate in the EDST 617 Sapsik’wala Indigenous Education Seminar across the program year. Elementary candidates register for fall (2 cr), winter (1cr), and spring (1 cr), for a total of 4 credit hours. This course replaces the EDST 614 Cultural Context of Education requirement.

Total: 62 credits (max ≤5 year period), GPA ≥ 3.00 

* Appropriate electives are those courses that are reasonably related to your career as a teacher (e.g., content area courses, special education courses, educational leadership courses, etc.). Must be graduate level (500 or 600) to count toward degree.