Practicum Student Teaching

Field Experience Required Preparation Academic Year Pre-Fall Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term
Overview Check List & Key Assessments ESOL September Experience Field Observation Clinical Student Practicum Clinical Student Teaching

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1. Student Teaching Term Guidelines | EDST 609/607

FOCUS of Student Teaching: gives candidate the opportunity to gradually take over in leading the preparation, instruction, and assessment for their Cooperating Teacher.

Focus Elementary Mid-High
Teacher candidate (TC) to be on-site full time (40 hours a week for ten weeks) 10 weeks 10 weeks
TCs maintain schedule of full-time teacher X X

Candidates complete required evidence and teach 60% – 65% of full-time teaching

class load for mid/high and full time for elementary

6 weeks 7 weeks

Where possible, spend time observing and/or assisting in an English Language

Development (ELD) classroom in order to meet ESOL endorsement requirements


Candidates maintains Time Log in online TK20 system and submits them to CT for

sign off by end of term.

Complete and submit TSPC required edtpa portfolio assessment X X

A. Teacher Candidate Expectations

Should a student not complete or pass course and/or field placement requirements, student will be required to repeat this portion before moving on with the practicum sequence. Expectations regarding student contact time and negotiating a classroom schedule is determined at the initial triad meeting and recorded on the Common Agreements form.

  • If there is an observed holiday or the school is closed for other reasons, the candidate may count that day as part of the total.
  • Candidates are allowed no more than two person/professional days to be used during the term for illness, appointments, and/or job search/interviews
  • Candidates should leave lesson plans and arrange for the CT or a guest teacher to teach classes, if an absence is unavoidable
  • TCs ar also expected to participate in any extra-curricular activities expected of school staff – including, but not limited to: Special programs, committee work and parent-teacher conferences.

B. University Supervisor Observation /Assessment

  • Cooperating teachers are strongly encouraged to give regular feedback to the teacher candidates.
  • CTs formally observe and provide feedback (written or oral) for teacher candidates, at least twice during the term, as well as feedback on lesson planning
  • University supervisor will be collecting information on these observations and feedback.

C. University Supervisor Observations and Required Evidence

TCs will be observed at least four times by their University Supervisors per term, with two being formally scored. Each observation should include:

  • A formal lesson plan written by the candidate; submitted in advance of the lesson. Two of these are to be scored on the UO Lesson Plan Rubric
  • A pre-observation conference with teacher candidate and supervisor to discuss observational objective for the lesson (“Look Fors”).
  • A post-conference meeting that includes discussion on data taken during the observation and any targeted support determined by the University Supervisor. Candidates are encouraged to share these observations with their CT.

D. Triad Meetings

  • Triad Conferences include the Supervisor, Candidate, and Cooperative Teacher and occur five times over the student teaching experience
  • The University Supervisor will arrange a triad conference with the candidate and cooperative at the beginning of Winter term, to review program requirements, goals and scheduling.
  • In both Winter and Spring terms, two more evaluation conferences will occur: at midterm and at the end of the term to review the Framework for Equitable and Excellent Teaching (FEET) forms

E. Assessments of Practicum

  1. Framework for Equitable and Excellent Teaching (FEET): The supervisor evaluates professional practices and dispositions twice per term via the FEET evaluation tool.
  2. Lesson Plans: Two lesson plans will be scored during the term using the lesson plan rubric (see appendix)
  3. Observations: Two observations will be scored during the term using the observation rubric (see appendix)

F. Remediation/Plan of Assistance

Remediation or a plan of assistance is initiated when a student teacher is needing more support to meet the teaching performance standards. Remediation or a plan of assistance can be initiated by the university supervisor with input from various stakeholders and should include the placement coordinators and/or program director. The plan functions as a contract, with specific goals and timeline. The teacher candidate can ask for additional support and review of the plan.

Additionally, behavior/conduct in a field placement that falls outside the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission’s Ethical Educator standards may be grounds for immediate dismissal from the UOTeach Oregon Teacher licensure program.

G. Teacher Candidate Team Meetings

Each Supervisor conducts bi-monthly team meetings with all of their teacher candidates. The purpose of the team meetings is for candidates to share insights about their teaching, and for the supervisor to assist candidates with planning lessons and developing work samples

H. Student Teaching Completion Chart

Student Teaching Placement Degree Options Licensure Options edTPA – No Pass

1. 400 Hours in classroom

2.  Two (2) Lesson Plan Rubric (TK20)

· At least 50% of scores on each standard are “Proficient” with no scores of “not met”

3.  Two (2) Observation Rubric (TK20)

· At least 50% of scores on each standard are “Proficient” with no scores of “not met”

4. PGA (certification of passing practicum)

Overall rating of 3 on each of the six major standards during the term full-time supervised student teaching is completed. Within each major standard, the candidate must earn a rating of 3 on at least 50% of the items, with no ratings of 1. On item 6b, the candidate must earn a rating of 3

5.   Submit the edTPA to TK20

Will receive M.Ed. and be recommended for licensure if all classes are passes and program requirements are complete

Student Options:

Meet with Placement Coordinator for more information on options:

1. Re-take the edTPA without a new placement.

2. Re-Take with new placement

· Will require registering for credits in a later term

3. Graduate with M.Ed. without being recommended for licensure


No-Pass or Incomplete

Any of the following may result in a no-pass or incomplete grade:

1. Lesson Plan Rubric (tk20)

· If teacher candidate scores less above requirement, lesson plan may be revised and turned back in one time for a new score OR teacher candidate may turn in a new lesson plan to be scored

· A plan of assistance may then be put in place

2. Observation Rubric (TK20)

·  Full-time: minimum score of 14

· If teacher candidate scores less than the above requirement, supervisor will score an additional observation.

·  If teacher candidate continues to not meet the standard, UOTeach placement coordinator or director will do an observation

· A plan of assistance may then be put in place

3. Professional Growth Assessment (PGA)

· Less than an overall rating of 3 or any ratings of 1 on each of the six major standards. Less than a 3 on item 6b

· A plan of assistance may then be put in place

4. edTPA

·  edTPA not submitted to TK20

1.   If teacher candidate has incompletes or is not passing, they may choose to continue to pursue the M.Ed without the licensure

·  This may require additional classes


2.   If teacher candidate has incomplete in student teaching due to the edTPA, graduation may be delayed until incomplete is cleared.

·    Waiver will need to be requested from Grad School in lieu of taking the required 3 credits during term of graduation

2. edTPA Retakes

Instruction and support for this evaluation is provided in UOTeach Seminar classes. Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Practicum Placement Coordinator.

edTPA® Retake Instructions for Candidates  Ÿ edTPA Submission Requirements and Condition Codes